Tuesday, November 9, 2010


After a few weeks prior and during Halloween..I had no appetite and lost almost 4 lbs and was extremely fatigued. I kept thinking to myself, "I'm almost sick, I'm getting sick.." {I was even too tired and cold to dress up as Robin Hood's fair maiden for Halloween.. :( }

And yes after 2 negative pregnancy tests in Sept and October I decided I wasn't pregnant. {Also a month or so of negative ovulation tests} But we very much wanted to be. Long story short I had made an appt. with an OB for TODAY so I could prove to everyone that I wasn't pregnant. And get pregnant!! And IF I was than it was going to have to be thru blood work because apparently pee sticks just don't give me results. Until 4 days ago.

Friday morning: I carelessly peed on the stick knowing that it would be negative. When I read POSITIVE I couldn't believe it at all! I was so excited and couldn't wait to tell Ryan. ♥♥♥
So when he got home from work at noon, I surprised him with blue and pink ribbons around my belly. We are so happy and so thrilled. Ryan's a little nervous as you can see.

So TODAY at our appointment we found out that I am 8 weeks along!! {ALREADY!!} Our OB put our due date as June 18th 2011-Ryan's very LAST day of school! Perfect timing! We always joked about his graduation present would be a baby. Really, how can you top that?!

I should have known I was pregnant when:

My appetite {very big appetite} for all things chocolate VANISHED

In September when I started to drink 8oz+ of water vs a sip, wasn't just me being healthy;
it was me listening to my body and drinking the water I needed {go me!}

In addition to, when I didn't drink my water "quota" for the day, I continued to pee at night

When I was startled or my heart began racing and my stomach would flip

For weeks in bed I could smell the dryer sheets on my pillows and blankets

When for the 3 days prior to finding out I was pregnant I had slight "morning sickness" my boss told me to test her hunch that I was pregnant and her theory that protein not carbs would curb morning sickness-to my shock all I had been eating for the few weeks of no appetite was cheese. Cheese sticks, cheese quesadilla's or cheese on crackers


Fatigue. Nap. Nap. Nap.

Everyone else tried to convince me that I might be pregnant
{and that I shouldn't roll my eyes at not having serious morning sickness as I assumed everyone but my boss experienced}