Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Since I've blogged last, I saw the exact same show (as a rerun!) that I blogged I decided it was time to commit and follow thru and write again. Shortly after my last blog in FEBRUARY we got broken into and had a little over $1000 (at least that we know of) of items stolen from our house. Those items being Ryan's 32inch flat screen tv. MY camera. MY $400 cash. MY costume jewelry (mostly trinkets that were from my childhood that I as I 'grew up, realized aren't worth anything, priceless) MY jewelry that I made and sold, MY photo scanner, MY Internet card (?) and...some weird random things.. It was a pretty traumatic incident and my immediate reaction was, Not Again! I had my car stolen and stripped almost...3 years ago now and my parents had been broken into last year. I was more mad than anything. I just couldn't believe that it had happened, I had been gone less than two hours and my dog was still home during the entire incident. We were assured that since I had all of my receipts and serial numbers of everything electronic that was stolen that it would more than likely show up. We got NOTHING back. IT ended up being the first of 5 or 6 robberies in our neighborhood in under two weeks. It was pretty horrific all around. Since then I look at my life, my possessions and things I keep around differently than I ever have before. I have the mentality, I'm doing it this way, or putting this here or hiding this...for next time. I certainly believe there will be a next time. Maybe not in this house, but this is only going to get worse in the future. SO. My message to everyone has been, try to mix up your schedule, be unpredictable and always assume someone is watching you. THEY ARE. I am eternally grateful that these "things" were "just things" and not someone(s). I am so thankful for the safety of myself, my husband and the children that were with me at the arrival to the scene. Aside from all the terrible feelings of regret and feeling violated..A sour outcome from this for me has been my disinterest for any and all beading projects. Prior to the robbery I had sold less than half of my jewelry and trinkets and made over $400. I cannot disassociate negative feelings as hard as I try. I hope to overcome them soon for the fall season, pre Christmas shopping..but we shall see. I had made a link from my blog for my jewelry and "bead people". It remains empty as it was all my pictures I took of my inventory was stolen from me when my camera was stolen. As a result to that I am backing up all my photo's in several places/ways and immediately uploading them off my camera. Sonext time..I will still have my memories. I did find some photo's from the boutique I had in OCT. 90% of these pieces were the items that were stollen.