Sunday, October 10, 2010

I was sitting outside in the warm sun, in the quiet and peace of this beautiful day sort of meditating and pondering; Sort of just riding the emotions I had felt earlier today and the thought from the song "..all His creations of which I'm apart.." came into my mind and how grateful I was for the beauty all around me, from the giant trees in my yard to the tiny soft specks of dirt on my feet. And then, I remembered the spiders. I am not grateful for spiders. Spiders hit a nerve in me that is so bad, it just can't be matter what. {lobsters too..they're like spiders' of the sea} And the more I thought about how they must have a good purpose the more I realized that spiders are just like Satan.

Here is what I came up with:

Simply, the purpose of the spider is to be a reminder of Satan...and all that that implies.

S for Satan. S for spider.

Spiders are delicate, deceitful creatures. Beautiful maybe and whimsical in their design, but oh so cunning. Full of poison and not what you expect from such a small {and by small I mean really big!} specimen. Satan too lures us and deceives us with that thing that looks good but is really our personal poison for destruction.

And we can't forget to credit them for their "beautiful" web making skills. Web is just a really nice way of saying trap. A trap for any innocent bug who might be passing by. Even we as people are fooled by their webs. We often don't see their webs, only until we feel the sticky silk do we realize we jut walked into a trap and a spider might be near by, too close for comfort. Like Satan, sometimes we don't see the trap he has set. But we can always feel it and know that somewhere a Spider is waiting. Satan will wait. Timing is everything. {Cunning little creatures!}

I was trying to think optimistically for the spiders sake, like-how do they benefit us? Welll if they weren't here we would have a bigger insect population. But like Satan, spiders only exist by preying on others; simple and innocent victims. They kill. Take lives. Set traps and make more evil spider babies. Satan's power over us can indeed take our lives. We can allow him to harm us or we can be prepared. Spiders are tricky, small may they be- a tiny hole is all they need to invade our homes.

If we lived in a perfect world there would be no obnoxious insects and mosquitoes, no purpose for spiders. Likewise, if we lived in a perfect world and we lived as Christ lived and loved there would be no purpose for Satan.

But we are not perfect and because we live in a world of opposition, we need to be reminded of Satan and his powers; in his spirit form and spider form. We need to be ever mindful of Satan {and spiders} a like. Keep Satan and spiders out of our homes and our lives. Call your exterminators and call on the Lord.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

1st Date 3rd Year Anniversary!

I can't believe it's been 3 years already! It has been so great. OUR story of how we met {still waiting on Ryan to finish his perspective} will be posted soon! But here are the flowers Ryan get's me every single year. {Yes Ryan brought me flowers on our first date!} We also go out to dinner at Al Forno's every year OCT 6. Oddly enough we have the same waitress, Flo every time too. So definite blast from the past. All the emotions are fresh in our hearts and we have a great time.

Pink for breast cancer awareness month so it's kind of special that I get the same flowers every year; and the purchase goes to good cause.

Since I don't have our story yet, I'll post this. A poem I wrote and dedicated to Ryan. It tells my story too. Happy 1st date 3rd Year Anniversary!!


Janie Palmer

All she wore was the soggy remains of a tattered wind sail;

Once had it proudly displayed a great love song for all to see and the wind to carry, but the storm had come and she was lost.

Crumpled and wilted like a frostbitten flower.

Perhaps waiting for the familiar storm to pass; dangerously waiting

She casually paddled around with her tiny umbrella, making little effort, even less progress to get herself out of her black sea of tears.

She was drowning in her heartbroken ship.

Then she heard his song and his laughter

As warm and golden as the sun after the storm;

It was all encompassing and it's sound trickled into her soul.

Closing her eyes she could only hear her heart and the love song it orchestrated. She smiled, never wishing to be out of its light.

Her heart would never beat the same soft song again,

He was her song, she was pulsating with life

And this was just the beginning...

His song had led her safely ashore, a place that at last felt like home

Pausing to look at the boat and remember all the seas of love it had carried her through; She only cried a little as she listened to the wind cry a sad song, soft as a lullaby.

Clutching her umbrella for any future storms, she turned, leaving it where it lay, because she knew now where she was going and wouldn't need a boat to get her there.

Her heart was big and drenched with love; that had never changed

But with every step closer to him her love was growing. Growing beyond the battles of love already endured;

Beyond young love, and lustful love

Beyond playful love and faithful love

Beyond forbidden love and love denied

Beyond enchanting love and love on fire

She had heard his song of true and everlasting love and was entering into his realm, where Love. Conquers. All.

He became the guardian of her heart and the source of it's love, it's song. Closing her eyes she could feel nothing but his love.

A love so great she could wear it as armor.

A love that would never be defeated

A love song that would never be silenced

A love she didn't have to convince or defend

A love complete, absent of doubt

True love for her was full of laughter and manifested itself more slowly than expected in simple quiet moments.

Moments that brought waves of overwhelming peace.

And softly blew clouds of bliss, full of laughter that fell like rain.

More than his heart he gave; A ring. A promise.

A promise his kiss would be her last first kiss.

A promise their song alone would he sing.

She embraced him and all of his love.

His arms; their strength that held her and offer protection to her and their children.

His hands; grasped around hers, always warm and always gentle. Willing, helpful and guiding.

His lips; kissing and caressing, singing, speaking kingly, encouraging, proclaiming truth, always apologizing for not being able to read minds, laughing.

His eyes; golden mirrors into his heart, reflecting his love for his true love, never judging, looking after her always.

His heart; faithful, full of song, patient, forgiving and strong.

His love; pure, honest, destined, warm like sunshine, determined, everlasting.

She was his love, his beautiful sun seeking flower.

He was her love, her hero, the light in the sky, the song in her heart.

He, was her HeartSong.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

This is a post {more to come} of my fabulous finds.
This is where plain Jane meets Janie and has gone from Fugly to FABULOUS!

It seems I have a knack for finding great deals. {my argument is "look how much money I saved!" Ryan's is, "you still spent money.."} Oh well, I"m still proud of myself. But recently I have discovered a new knack for recreating things; like THIS slut dress from Target. Ha.
I saw it and almost threw up a little. But I knew I had to have it because for only $17 on the sale rack {the price for a pattern and no fabric} I knew I could improve this dress...with just a little hack job. This was probably the easiest{and fugliest} projects to go from Fugly To Fabulous. Not only did it make me feel better, it looks great! It's definitely one of my new favorite outfits.